Watching This Guy Make The World's Smallest Coffee Is A Weirdly Calming Experience

Watching This Guy Make The World's Smallest Coffee Is A Weirdly Calming Experience

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Nowadays, it seems like you can get the artisanal version of anything.

Regardless of whether it's hand-created organic product move ups or cuts honed on spring of gushing lava stones, essentially anything you can cook up you can discover - at a cost. One man named Lucas Zanotto chose he needed to go up against a carefully assembled move himself, and the outcomes are pretty quieting to watch.

He begins by crushing down a solitary espresso bean. That is unquestionably not going to make a some espresso, however, correct? Yet, continue viewing.

It will definitely do the trick if you're creating the world's smallest cup of joe! It's really relaxing to see, actually.

His creation is pretty awesome, but I don't think that size coffee would wake me up in the morning. Share this mini caffeine fix with everyone you know who can't live without their morning cup.

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