Her Creepy Boyfriend Hit On A Child, So She Turned And Beat Up The Wrong Personv

Her Creepy Boyfriend Hit On A Child, So She Turned And Beat Up The Wrong Personv

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Her Creepy Boyfriend Hit On A Child, So She Turned And Beat Up The Wrong Person.

In the game of love, jealousy is enough to force some people into pretty compromising situations.
The two ladies and men are liable of getting to be noticeably regional with their friends and family. While much of the time the possibility of desire comes from a feeling of self-question, when you see your better half or beau conversing with somebody of the inverse sex, it's very simple to feel undermined and make a hasty judgment with no evidence of deceptive nature or disloyalty. In more extraordinary instances of envy, the final product can be rough.

Shockingly, one Pennsylvania pre-teenager was unwillingly brought into a vicious attack of desire everywhere on a stick of meat jerky.

Twelve-year-old Presley Keeney was minding her own business outside the Quick Stop Food Mart in Wilkes-Barre, enjoying a Slim Jim while she waited for her father to exit the store.

While outside a man approached the young girl and asked if he could have a bite of “that."

Not wanting to see the man go hungry and totally oblivious to the obvious flirtation attempt, Keeney retrieved another stick of jerky from her bag and began to hand it to the man.

The attacker was later identified as 29-year-old Marlenea Uravage thanks to surveillance footage from outside the convenience store. She has since been arrested on harassment charges.

Thankfully Keeney was able to leave the incident with just a few scrapes and bruises on her hand. Share this horrible video to remind people that everyone gets jealous, but you should always think before you act. And adults, maybe let's not hit on children.

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