Ballerinas Are So Graceful, But Watching Their Feet Bend Is Next-Level Unsettling

Ballerinas Are So Graceful, But Watching Their Feet Bend Is Next-Level Unsettling

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Ballerinas Are So Graceful, But Watching Their Feet Bend Is Next-Level Unsettling

Being a ballerina requires an insane level of dedication and flexibility.

Individuals work for a considerable length of time from the time they're little youngsters with a specific end goal to accomplish the level of curve in their feet it takes to pull off the absolute most extraordinary moves artful dance brings to the table. On the off chance that you've never really investigated a ballet dancer's feet, however, you may be astonished to see exactly how outrageous their extending capacities truly are. It's both entrancing and agitating in the meantime. Try not to get what I mean? Investigate the recordings beneath.

The arch she creates is basically unreal and comes from years of practice.

Basically all ballerinas can do some crazy stuff with their feet.

Even when they're wearing pointe shoes, it's evident just how flexible they are.

You should always talk to your doctor before starting a new exercise routine, but if you're really hell bent on learning these maneuvers to freak your friends out, check out the video below.

What do you think about this? Is it awesome or freaky? Let us know in the comments!

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